Pungo's Omens (fantasy fiction short story)


Ever wonder if nature is giving you a sign? Did you ignore these signs or heed them ...?!

click to be unnerved

While the Belhaven, North Carolina's town mayor remained complacent amidst Hurricane Isaias arrival, the river Pungo, however, lavished its clues. It's dank and crystalline striped waves chopped and lapped Belhaven’s town edge, slowly rising then plunging with a hurricane’s force. Soot skies slowly coated the heavens above. Raw winds whipped and whirled over and through docked boats, piers, streets to scour against the secured doors of Belhaven's downtown shops and homes. Pungo suddenly became calm, its waves smoothing. Lull's quiet hummed a subtle vibration hinting of what's yet to come—the calm before the storm ...

The Emerald Cape (women's fiction short story)